Using a password manager is a very good way to improve your online security. There are a lot of password managers available on the market, but we consider these are the best options. No matter which one you’ll choose, each one is a very solid option.
Show Features
StickyPassword Premium Dashboard
StickyPassword Premium Features
More StickyPassword Deals
StickyPassword Premium Lifetime Deal
$ 74.98
Show Features
LastPass Premium Dashboard
LastPass Premium Features
More LastPass Deals
LastPass Families
$ 48.00
LastPass Business
$ 48.00
per User
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RoboForm Everywhere Dashboard
RoboForm Everywhere Features
More RoboForm Deals
RoboForm Family
$ 47.75
1 Year / 5 Users
RoboForm for Business
$ 39.95
per User
Discounts based on volume
Show Features
Keeper Password Manager Dashboard
Keeper Password Manager Features
More Keeper Deals
Keeper Family Plan
$ 59.99
1 Year / 5 Users
Keeper Business
$ 30
1 Year / per User
Keeper Enterprise
$ 45
1 Year / per User
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You can also opt for an Internet Security suite with Password manager included.
A password manager is a software application that can store and easily manage passwords for all your online accounts or even other software applications. Simply said, it will remember all your account usernames and passwords, so you don’t have to. You will then be able to login in any of your accounts with a simple click.
Some password managers also offer extended functionalities like secure vaults or storing credit card data for fast and easy online payments.
1. All password managers need a master password. Usually, this password is stored locally and never sent to their servers. This is the only password you need to remember.
2. After installation, the password manager can import login credentials already stored in your browsers.
3. All the data is encrypted and usually stored in the cloud but some applications allow also local storage.
4. The password manager will do a security audit on all your passwords and will advise you which ones are weak, old, reused, etc. and need to be changed.
5. The application can automatically generate random and secure passwords for you.
6. You can easily login with one click in any of your online accounts. The password manager will auto-fill the credentials for you.
7. After installing it on all your devices, it will synchronize your credentials and you’ll be able to easily login from any device.
Using a password manager is far more secure than reusing a password all over your accounts (usually a crappy one :) ) or storing your passwords in browsers or text documents. Even if a data breach would happen, all stored passwords are encrypted using complex algorithms (usually AES-256-bit encryption), making it very difficult for an attacker to decrypt them. The biggest risk would be if an attacker would gain access to your master password, but even so, good password managers are offering two- factor authentication, which means that even if an attacker has your password in clear, he won’t be able to log in.
So, the short answer is yes, but no password management solution can guarantee a 100% security, that’s for sure.
Definitely yes! Password managers are making our digital life much easier. It is very important to use unique and strong passwords on every account, and this is almost impossible without using password management software.
Just out of curiosity, you can check how strong is your password by using this tool, custom-built by us. The tool will also give you hints and advice on how to create stronger passwords.